Adam hall

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van Adam-hall in de database.
The last minute like that, that's the kind of goal everybody dreams about.
If someone is going to have an activity, they should get money from the University in some other way instead of using hall taxes, ... We have hall presidents who say they need 80 bucks, then they need 90 bucks, and pretty soon our hall tax is gone and we can't provide for our students.
We've had Adam in that role, and I think they (other teams) see our success in that, and that it makes lot of sense to have a guy like Adam.
He pitched a little tight and you want to be careful with [Hall] because he's got power, but you don't like to walk him and that's why we put Wheeler in those situations -- because he usually doesn't walk guys. Hall comes up with the big hit and beyond that, they put the ball in play. You have to give them credit. They didn't strike out. That's what we were looking for.
FORMA PAUPERIS. [Latin] In the character of a poor person --a method by which a litigant without money for lawyers is considerately permitted to lose his case.When Adam long ago in Cupid's awful court(For Cupid ruled ere Adam was invented) Sued for Eve's favor, says an ancient law report, He stood and pleaded unhabilimented."You sue _in forma pauperis_, I see," Eve cried;"Actions can't here be that way prosecuted." So all poor Adam's motions coldly were denied: He went away --as he had come --nonsuited. --G.J.