Bill veeck

Momenteel bevinden zich 462 spreuken
van Bill-veeck in de database.
Baseball is almost the only orderly thing in a very unorderly world. If you get three strikes, even the best lawyer in the world can't get you off.
As long as the person is trained, does it really matter whether the government pays the bill or whether they pay the bill themselves? Not really,
You got a lot of smoke, and not a lot of fire. Everybody's out front taking money and at least using Bill's name in vain. But there's been very little, if any, connection to Bill.
This is a superb bill for America. It lets people keep their money, increases growth and job opportunity, and it's just the beginning. You ain't seen nothing yet.
You don't actually get money if you produce more power. You can zero out your bill. One of the guys on our tour hasn't had an electric bill for two years now.