Christmas hath a beauty ... lovelier than the

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Are you willing to believe that love is the strongest thing in the world - stronger than hate, stronger than evil, stronger than death - and that the blessed life which began in Bethlehem nineteen hundred years ago is the image and brightness of the Eternal Love? Then you can keep Christmas.
The earth with its store of wonders untold,/ Almighty! thy power hath founded of old; / Hath 'stablished it fast by a changeless decree, / And round it hath cast like a mantle the sea.
Traditionally, Christmas Day is the busiest day of the year at 7-Eleven. A majority of our customers are men, and many have come to depend on another holiday tradition -- 7-Eleven being open round the clock on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.
Christmas is the happiness that lights our children's eyes.Christmas is a song of bells ringing through the skies.Christmas is a time of peace, of contentment deep within,A time of love and silent hope that years will never dim
Hath the spirit of all beauty Kissed you in the path of duty?