Dave freer

Momenteel bevinden zich 162 spreuken
van Dave-freer in de database.
There is nothing particular about living things that should exempt...
Angela Merkel believes fiercely that Germany needs a freer, more individualistic society, and more market-oriented economy, precisely because she grew up in the very opposite -- in the communist east.
The whole question of relations between theaters in different countries is a very vital one, ... given the days we live in and the speed of communication. I'm a union man myself. I sympathize with protecting jobs, [but] I think it would be healthy if there was a freer flow.
SOA essentially lets other people do your e-government for you. It's freer -- that is, it frees government data, exposing it as a Web service so anyone can build an application. It's extending the open source concept to data.
Dave has an outstanding track record of success at Ford, working closely with both the investment community and the dealership community. We believe that Dave's operational, financial management and capital markets expertise, combined with his extensive knowledge of the retail automotive business, make him a perfect fit for Sonic Automotive.