David mccallum

Momenteel bevinden zich 661 spreuken
van David-mccallum in de database.
If I had no family, my wife and I would lead a much more romantic and nomadic existence.
This government is either missing in action or moving in the wrong direction.
It will be a huge task, with major implications on jobs and users of government programs.
The federal government is swimming in cash and there is absolutely no reason to increase income taxes on hard-working Canadians.
He loves his wife so much that he thinks he is doing something to protect and save her, ... But what he's really doing is he's getting addicted to power. The more power he gets the more he wants and then once you do that, there's nothing left because you're willing to sacrifice everything. At the end of the day, Anakin sacrifices his family. He does fulfill his destiny after another 25 years and lets his son live and basically dies redeeming himself. But he goes through a lot of s--- and causes a lot of pain to people for a long time.