Garth ancier

Momenteel bevinden zich 5 spreuken
van Garth-ancier in de database.
As much as we all love the show, we do have to run a business.
We hear it a lot - my 14-year-old daughter loves your network. I don't watch it, but it's really for her. We're trying to break that perception, because obviously our median age is not 14.
You know me. I'm going to try my best to get in everybody's living room.
Until you have seen a herd of elephants, until you've see gazelles leap together, you can't imagine the beauty.
Originally, this was supposed to be a private ceremony in a garden with family, ... Garth told me later that he knew when they unveiled the statue [I was going to ask] `Why is there a wedding ring on your hand?' He was gonna have some explaining to do. He said he knew that was the moment, no matter if there was one person there or a thousand people there, that was what he had to do.