Jennifer chrisler

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van Jennifer-chrisler in de database.
You've got to love their determination. I do think it points out something really unique about these parentsthey are really driven to do things so that their children can access all of the great things that every child in this country can access. Gay and lesbian parents are really dedicated to that and moved by that.
Family Pride will continue to work with our partners, including Equality Ohio, to help defeat this anti-LGBT, anti-family measure. Nothing less than the lives of Ohio's most vulnerable children are at stake.
The Family Tree Award was designed to recognize excellence and leadership on behalf of LGBT parents and their children. Time and time again B.D. has been a tireless and passionate voice and a face for our families and our love. We are honored to have the opportunity to recognize and thank B.D. for his commitment to equality for LGBT parents and their children.
We're thrilled to recognize and further thank Capital One Financial for their steadfast support of Family Pride and LGBT parents. Capital One Financial continues to find innovative and creative ways to make LGBT people, particularly LGBT parents, feel valued in the workplace. Their commitment to diversity, inclusion and equality is admirable, and we're proud to honor them with the Corporate Community Responsibility Award.
It was a gift from her husband.