Olympia snowe

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van Olympia-snowe in de database.
In today's world, it is no longer unimaginable to think that business can operate - and even thrive - in an environmentally-friendly manner.
I love it. The only hard part is coming back to Olympia to work.
There is a built-in bias in Olympia to spend money. I think there needs to be a brake on how much, how fast, so that you don't break the bank. I think it's good policy.
[Premiere found The Red Shoes, about a young ballerina torn between love and career,] weighed down by heavy-handed direction and blatant melodrama. ... childish, selfish, ridiculously neurotic.
Endless sorrow has fallen upon my heart. He was one of the truest and best men that ever lived, firm in his religious convictions, loyal to every right principle, strictly honest and upright in his life,... .with an absolute sincerity of character such as I have never seen in any other person.