Star jones

Momenteel bevinden zich 172 spreuken
van Star-jones in de database.
I want the big drama. I always said I don't want a wedding I want a parade.
My dad taught me true words you have to use in every relationship. Yes, baby.
I do care about getting that All-Star respect. I would love to be an All-Star. I am playing with the best point guard. So a lot of times, playing with him, sometimes it is the quarterback or the receiver that is the All-Star. Hopefully at some point in my career I will be able to prove that I am one of the better small forwards in the league.
The implications for star birth and star death, both ends of the stellar spectrum, have to be rethought.
[Sep 26 |] Is human nature savage? It's a question that STAR TREK addressed in many ways, ... You'd Do The Same For Me.