William h. macy

Momenteel bevinden zich 689 spreuken
van William-h.-macy in de database.
I was a dog in a past life. Really. I'll be walking down the street and dogs will do a sort of double take. Like, Hey, I know him.
It wasn't until later on that more and more sports started holding competitions for women. Now the only event women don't take part in is ski jumping, and I've heard that there may be a time pretty soon when women start ski jumping also.
Sean Combs' Unforgivable fragrance is a runaway success at Macy*s. We expect the early momentum to continue as we roll out this new fragrance to our stores across the country. There is every reason to believe that Unforgivable will be the #1 men's fragrance of the season.
Men should be what they seem;Or those that be not, would they might seem none!
It is a big day for science,