Woody harrelson

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van Woody-harrelson in de database.
I'm the only guy in my family, including our cats and dogs. I'm surrounded by these amazing women, and I have concerns about what happens to them in the world,
This tour is such a joy for all of us. Everybody loves Woody Guthrie. Well, everybody should love Woody Guthrie. Woody deserves to be honored, not just for making great music. Woody should be remembered as perhaps the first singer-songwriter. Sure, there was Jimmie Rodgers, but Woody, for all intents and purposes, was the first guy out there singing songs he had written. And he wrote such great songs, which should never be forgotten.
We know what to expect from Woody. I love Woody. I still talk to Woody. But when I go out there to face him, I won't be thinking of any of that.
I am two with nature.
I am not afraid of death, I just don't want to be there when it happens.