Spreuken over Familie

Momenteel bevinden zich 2119 spreuken
met het onderwerp Familie in de database.
To be honest, our 6-year-old son, Albert, usually makes the choice. Right now the Partridge Family and Brady Bunch are big around here.
Nobody can raise a family on that.
We are deeply concerned about the disappearance of Ali - she is one of our own, a family member. We are working diligently with the law enforcement and the community and we hope Ali comes home soon.
Lifestyle Family Fitness is a highly successful company with excellent growth plans. We are honored to partner with them and provide a solution that will help Lifestyle select the best team of employees to achieve its mission of fulfilling their members' needs and building lasting relationships through a fun and friendly experience.
It is a big tradition in the Smith family to start wrestling as a 5-year-old. Guy's dad is a youth coach and wrestling is a family tradition. He has let me and Guy develop a wrestling relationship together. We have spent a lot of time in the practice room and he is a great kid.