Spreuken over Politiek

Momenteel bevinden zich 2821 spreuken
met het onderwerp Politiek in de database.
A meeting of the Academic Council (AC) has been scheduled for Monday, while a meeting of the Governing Council (GC) has been scheduled for September 14. We decided to open up the Academic Department for two days - today and tomorrow - to facilitate the meeting of the AC.
These discussions are headed in the right direction, and we remain hopeful that the Chinese government will translate these principles into concrete action.
We urge the U.S. government to use the tools at its disposal to persuade the Russian government to take concrete action to reduce piracy significantly.
incredible scheme to coerce and intimidate the government into paying them $10 million.
The federal government is acting more and more like a private sector business. They are cutting costs, reviewing opportunities closely, and conducting cost-benefit analyses for their IT investments. This is a new era in government spending practices and these cost-saving measures will affect federal IT budgets and, therefore, vendor opportunities.